Fast, Ultra-Secure,
Identity Verification
& Risk Screening.

Innovative digital identity your business can trust. Issue and verify digital credentials for robust, compliant identity verification, authentication and risk screening.
IDC app image

Why ID Crypt?

A magnifying glass
Reduce Fraud

Our solution uses cryptographically verifiable data only, delivering greater than a 99% reduction in identity theft - helping you and your customers in the fight against digital crime.

A pound sign
Minimize Costs

Lower operational costs associated with customer identity verification, compliance, and data storage processes.

A fast moving clock
Save Time

IDC's fast, automated service is built to provide verification in seconds.

A fast moving clock
Quick Setup

It's simple and quick process to get you up and running. And if you want to drive even greater efficiency, then our support engineering team can help integrate identity into any of your back-office processes.

A team together
Team Experience

With a background in providing systemically important solutions and infrastructure, our software is always on, always available, highly secure, and ultra-resilient.

A shield with a padlock inside
Increase Security

Vastly reduce the risk of data breaches by implementing biometrics, robust encryption, and innovative distributed storage solutions.

News and blog

Make sure you keep up to date with all the latest news, thoughts and developments on privacy, security and identity.

Mug, computer, notepad and cellphone on top of a wooden table

Get Started

Explore how ID Crypt can help you provide more secure and convenient experience to your users
Try our App now
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