Vault App Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the Vault App, a mobile app provided by ID Crypt Global ltd
We're delighted that you have downloaded Vault (the "App") and that you are considering using its various features and capabilities (the "Services").
Did you know? The app is a Self-Sovereign Identity application, allowing you to take control of your digital identity, or identities that are issued to you from not just ID Crypt Global, but other SSI issuers.
You will be able to use the App within an online digital environment as well as in the physical world, face to face.
Before you start using the App, you must accept these terms and conditions. Please read these terms and conditions carefully, together with any other terms made available by us from time to time, as they control your use of our App and Services. By accepting them and using our Services you're agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not understand or do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you should not register for an App account and you should delete the App from your device.
You should read our privacy policy - which is available on the ID Crypt Global website (
We will follow our own published Misuse Policy if people misuse our App in a manner which may harm other users. In case there is any conflict between these terms and conditions and our Misuse Policy, these terms and conditions will take precedence.
We recommend that you save and/or print a copy of these terms and conditions for future reference.
We are "ID Crypt Global". When we talk about "you" in this document, we're talking about you as an individual using our Services. When we talk about a "third party" we mean anyone who is not you or us.

Know more about the App and ID Crypt Global

The App is available free of charge for you to download, install and use. All Services provided through the App are free of charge, however, special features that maybe introduced may incure a charge to you the user. In such cases, these Services will be clearly marked as Services that require a fee.
The Services provided by ID Crypt Global within the App enable you to prove who you are, online and in person. This is done via verifiable identity credentials that are issued to you and stored securely within the App.
Only you control what identity information you add/accept to your App.
You have total control over what information you share with a third party via the App. This is managed via identity proofs.
An identity proof is a request or voluntary proof of identity. The information within it, what is shared effectively is under your total control, and your control alone.
We won't charge you for using the App or any of the Services provided within the app, unless these services are specifically highlighted.
When sharing information with third parties that use our Services, we reserve the right to charge them for receiving and processing that information securely.
Please note that, you may share information with third parties that do not use our Services.
The Services provided by the App may be modified or added to over time. If necessary, these terms and conditions will be amended accordingly if required to do so.

Getting started

You must be over the age of 13 to use the App and the Services we provide within the App. You may only have one account with ID Crypt Global, however, you may install the App on multiple devices.
ID Crypt Global will provide you with a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the App and the Services provided within the App providing you accept and continue to comply with these terms and conditions
ID Crypt Global does not intend to issue digital identities for persons under the age of 13. You must be 13 or older in order to use the App and Services.
For users under the age of 18, we recommend that parents / guardians advise their children of the dangers of sharing personal identifiable information and educate them on how to remain safe online.

Creating your ID Crypt Global digital identity

To create an initial anonymous identity within the ID Crypt Global Services, you must:
Lock your identity and App with a biometric model of your face. This is done through the App, which takes a scan of your face and creates a biometric model. Please note, ID Crypt Global does not store an image of your face, rather the resulting biometric model.
Create a private PIN code for access to your App.
Both of these steps are for your security and privacy.
You should NOT create an anonymous identity if you have already done so in the past. You should attempt to recover your identity.
You are now ready to obtain digital identities. ID Crypt Global provides a number of these identities, the primary two being your email address (or addresses) and an ID Crypt Global Passport which is based on a government issued passport.
Verified email identity
Having downloaded the app and secured your anonymous identity with your biometric model and PIN code, you can apply to create an identity
Select email identity
Provide your email. Once the App has communicated this back to our secure ID Crypt Global issuing services, you will receive an email from ID Crypt Global
Access your email and retrieve the unique code
Return to the App and provide your code at the verification step of the issuing of an email identity
You will then receive an identity that relates to your ownership of your email. This is issued as a cryptographic verifiable credential
You may view your identity credential within the app
ID Crypt Global Passport
Having downloaded the app and secured your anonymous identity with your biometric model and PIN code, you can apply to create an identity
Select Passport identity
You will need your physical Government issued passport
Follow the onscreen prompts to initially scan the passport
You will then be promoted to hold the passport against your mobile device
The App will read your passports secured Chip and retrieve the information
The passport information is verified within the App
The passport information is sent to ID Crypt Global where the information is verified again based on the Government that issued the passports public key. This confirms the passport is real and that the information passed to ID Crypt Global is verified
You will now receive a digital ID Crypt Global Passport identity credential to your phone
You may view your identity credential within the app
Please note, your passport is not stored on the device, nor is an image of the passport stored at ID Crypt Global. ID Crypt Global stores only the information of the digital identity credential that is issued to your device. You have total control over this identity document.
Security is of our prime concern. The App stores credentials securely within your device. Data held by ID Crypt Global is cryptographically stored within our secured infrastructure. This means unique security keys must be used to retrieve data we store. Our physical storage locations are monitored at all times and are regularly tested by independent parties for their security. ID Crypt Global follows international security standards such as NIST and ISO 27001.
ID Crypt Global does NOT share your personal information or any data provided by you in the creation of your digital identity. You control how you share your information from your device.

Receiving identities from other issuers

The App is a Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) compatible App. This allows any other SSI based issuer to issuer identity credentials to the App. When applying and receiving your identity credentials from a third party, note that ID Crypt Global does NOT know and is not aware of these relationships, the credentials issued and stored nor any of the data they may hold. The App is your secure App and content you store within it is not shared with ID Crypt Global.
You may use any issued digital identity credential as a proof of identity, therefore any data that any credential holds can be shared by you.

Using your App to share information

You have 100% total control over when and what information you share. Sharing of information is not carried out by ID Crypt Global, rather it is shared by you and your device. Your App will keep a record of what information you have shared and with who, not ID Crypt Global.
When sharing information:
You will be requested to form a secure connection with a third party to share information (there are exceptions to this when you chose to present information)
Typically the third party will request what information they would like to be shared
You may reject this sharing of information if you so decide
You may consent to the sharing of the information
From time to time, you may be presented with options of where the information can be taken from. All information comes from issued digital identity credentials held within the App. When you have an option of where data is shared from you will be able to select the credential and the information you wish to share
From time to time, you may be requested to provide information that is not within an identity credential within your App. On such occasions, you may be requested to answer / provide the information yourself. Do so honestly.
The information you share is known as an identity Proof.
Proofs are stored within the App, providing you with an audit/receipt of all interactions where you have shared information.
When selecting to share information (volunteer) you will create the Proof yourself
Create a volunteer Proof with data available within the issued identity credentials stored within the App
You may now share this information via an Offline connection.
Offline connections allow you to share information without forming a link between you and the third party. Typically, this will be done in a face-to-face scenario where you share the proof over a Bluetooth or NFC connection (tap devices together).

Closing/deleting your App and ID Crypt Global account

You may delete your ID Crypt Global account at any time. You should delete your account prior to deleting the App from your device.
If you delete your ID Crypt Global account, you will lose access to your digital identity credentials that have been issued to you. ID Crypt Global for regulatory or legal reasons will maintain a copy of identity credentials that only ID Crypt Global has issued to you, for a pre-determined period. This period may differ from industry to industry. Once this period has expired, all your data will be permanently deleted from our secure ID Crypt Global servers.

Your security and privacy is at the heart of what we do

We firmly believe that your personal data is your personal data, that you own it, you have total control over it and that it should be under your secure control always. This is why we have firmly embraced the 12 Principles of SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity).
Any personal information that has been provided to ID Crypt Global by you, in order to receive your digital identity credentials is secure at all times and processed strictly in-line with our privacy policy. We follow standards such as ISO27001 and are bound by legislation such as GDPR.
For more information, please review our Privacy Policy.

Intellectual property

The App contains many years of time and investment in terms of efforts to design, build and distribute the App. All the ideas, concepts, designs and the software itself is owned, or has the licensed right, by ID Crypt Global. The App is a culmination of our innovation, market knowledge and confidential information. You must therefore not:
De-compile, modify, reuse any part of our App or attempt to reverse engineer any aspect of the App
Copy, sell, give, assign, or market our App or any of our Services to any third party
Reverse engineer any of the APIs used by the App
Create adaptations based on any of the ID Crypt Global services, products, or the App

Availability of services and the App

ID Crypt Global aims to provide access to all services that it supplied 24/7/365. ID Crypt Global operates a High Availability of services model to help achieve this aim. However, there will always be certain situations that are beyond the control of ID Crypt Global and as such, availability of services cannot be guaranteed. ID Crypt Global will not be liable under any circumstances for any loss or damage caused because of an interruption of availability of the Services provided.
Many functions within the App work independently of services provided by ID Crypt Global, such as receiving and storing digital identity credentials from third parties or sharing information with third parties. Communications with third parties are point to point and therefore ID Crypt Global and its services are not utilised (there is no central infrastructure that the App depends on for these functions). The App is dependent on the availability of certain services provided by ID Crypt Global, for specific functions, these include:
Creating a biometric lock for the App
Some aspects of configuration of the App (Push notifications)
Requesting a digital identity credential to be issued, including verified email credential, and including ID Crypt Global Passport credential
Receiving a digital identity credential from ID Crypt Global
Some Password less login scenarios where the third party is dependent on an ID Crypt Global provided service

Your use of our Services and the App

Data that is held within the App is under your total control, you are made aware of what data a third party is requesting for you to share prior to you sharing that data. Data sharing is 100% under your total control. ID Crypt Global is not responsible for what other companies/third parties do with the data you share with them via the App. If you are unhappy with sharing data with a third party, do not share any data with them until you have read their privacy/data policies. If you are still not comfortable with that third party accessing your information, then please do not share your data with them.
Whenever sharing information with a third party, you should review their terms of use, privacy policy/data policy and any other terms governing the use of information you share.
As a user of the App, you are responsible for:
Ensuring all details, you provide within the App and to the ID Crypt Global services are correct
Presenting only authentic identity documentation that relates to you
That you are happy with what information you share with who
The relationship between yourself and a third-party digital identity issuer
Using the app sensibly and lawfully. You therefore must not
Interact with our App or Services if you intend to commit any unlawful, fraudulent, dishonest, anti-social, ethical, abusive, threatening or invasive behaviour
Disassemble or de-compile our App
Attempt to reverse engineer any part of our App of APIs that it connects to
Not offer to lease, sublicense, sell any of our Products or Services
When you share information with a third party, the App records this interaction and the information shared as a proof. The third party receives the same information as a proof. ID Crypt Global encourages third parties to NOT store any information relating to that proof wherever possible. The interaction is therefore recorded by you alone and your personal information is, wherever possible, is not replicated by the third party.
If ID Crypt Global has reasonable grounds to believe your use of the App or Services breaches our Terms and Conditions, then we reserve the right to take appropriate action which may include contacting policing authorities.

Our responsibility (liability) to you

Nothing in these terms and conditions excludes or limits our liability either: (a) for your death or personal injury if it's caused by our negligence; or (b) our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation (this means if we deliberately and knowingly make a false statement or representation with the intent to deceive or without belief in its truth or recklessly as to its truth). We will also take responsibility where we are required to by applicable law.
Aside from the circumstances listed above, if we do not comply with these terms and conditions, ID Crypt Global will be responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breach up to a total cap of £500 (to the extent permitted by law). ID Crypt Global is not responsible for any other loss or damage you suffer that is not reasonably foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it was an obvious consequence of the breach of these terms and conditions.
To the extent permitted by law, ID Crypt Global is not responsible for any loss whatsoever due to the actions of third parties (including bad actors/fraudulent users).
ID Crypt Global is not under any circumstances liable to you for:
Any losses that were not caused by ID Crypt Global
Any business losses or liabilities: including loss of profit; loss of income; loss of good will; loss of reputation, loss of savings; loss of data, loss of business; loss of business opportunities, however caused
Any identity credentials issued to you by third parties that are stored within the App
Any misuse of your data by third parties, this includes third party digital identity credential issuers or third parties with whom you share information with
Any data breaches by third parties with whom you have shared information
If you breach these terms and conditions.
ID Crypt Global is not liable to you for any loss or damage you may suffer because of your breach
From time to time, ID Crypt Global will update the App and reserves the right to withdraw functionality or any Services provided. In the circumstances of functionality of Services being withdrawn, you will be provided with 90 days minimum notification period. We reserve the right to modify or enhance the App or any of our Services without notice, at any time, and without any legal responsibility to you.
You are expected to download and maintain the latest version of the App on your device. We do NOT guarantee that our App or Services will work with all devices or device configurations, we are not responsible for maintaining older version of these Services or the App for compatibility purposes with newer or older operation systems of devices on which the App is installed. You should always ensure you have the latest version of the App for the best possible experience on your device.
Additional rights and obligations:
Your rights or obligations under these terms and conditions cannot be transferred, assigned, sublicensed, subcontracted, dealt in any other manner without our prior written approval. No other person has any right to enforce any of these terms and conditions, whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.
We may change or add to these terms and conditions from time to time, for example to reflect any changes: (i) in our policies or relevant laws and regulatory requirements; (ii) in the functionality of our Products; or (iii) imposed on us by a third party. If we do make any changes, we will tell you and direct you to the revised terms and conditions the next time you use our App. If you do not understand or agree with the revised terms and conditions, you should stop using our Products and close your App account (in line with section 9 on closing / deleting your App account). We will always post the most current version of the terms and conditions on our website and our App.
Each of these terms and conditions operates separately, meaning that if a court or other relevant authority decides that any term or condition cannot be enforced, the others will still remain in full force and effect.
If we do not enforce any of our rights under these terms and conditions, this failure does not mean that we cannot or will not decide to enforce that right at a later point.
If you have a dispute with ID Crypt Global, please contact and try to resolve the dispute informally.
Thank you for taking the time to read through these Terms and Conditions. Enjoy using the ID Crypt Global Services and the Vault Mobile App.
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